Monday, November 2, 2009


So today, it snowed all day long. It wasn't really a hard snow, just a steady flow of soft flakes even if you could see blue sky. It was really pretty actually. The downside to this however was, the fact that it's cold outside!! To be expected in November, but it still always feels extra cold until you get used to it.

So let's talk a little bit about my zemi, the Japanese class that I attend from 2:45-well, apparently I am the only one who cares when this class gets out (supposed to be 6) because we got out at 6:45 tonight YAYY..

I missed a soccer meeting because of that actually, so I'm rather upset atm. Anyway, let's read a passage from a book, and then sit around and discuss it. Sounds good right? Maybe? Ok not really? I don't think so. The class is structured so that every week there are 2 passages and thus 2 students reside over the zemi, each one leading the discussion over their assigned passage.

So they have to write this report, which they read to the class at the beginning (all in Japanese again I might add), including quotes from the passage that they also choose to talk about. Boorringg. So after they are done we just sit there and they talk, and talk, and talk. Any every once in awhile the professor will pipe and and mention some important fact or enlighten them on a question they aren't able to answer themselves (meanwhile i am going crazy), but other then that he doesn't do anything.

If I was a senior in college taking a class taught by students I would be rather angry, and would start to wonder where my money really goes. I mean come on, half the time the students are discussing terms and things of that nature, it's soo frustrating. There is absolutely not reason for this class to be scheduled from 2:45-6:00, when we don't even get out at 6. What a waste of time in my opinion.

ON TOP of that. Some have voiced their opinions that it is good to immerse myself in a class and be surrounded by the speech and such. Imagine, reading the journal of someone from the 1600's on economic theory, while wearing glasses that make everything out of focus, and then make sure that it is written in another language, that will be a little bit closer to the text that we are using.

We also start a new book next week, and the professor wants me to read it. Yay. Now I have to spend 30 dollars and a Japanese textbook, that will take me probably 2 years to read. I am so stoked!...

I also just had to turn on my heater :(

Also, Japanese students love this stuff:

You have to watch that video, it really is sweet. Most students I have talked to have a half decent ability at that, I can barely hold a pencil without dropping it once in awhile...

MEDIA TIME!! Ok the picture is of Ginkou Avenue, its sooo pretty isn't it? The camera/picture do not do the colors justice. It's really famous street at the University, people from all over Hokkaido come here just to see it yay!

Also, the video. It's 50mb so it is a large video, but I swear it is totally worth the load wait...Please watch it!!

Also sorry for the negative post, today was just a bad day because of that zemi...


  1. it's ok, chin up! :) i heard someone sent you a bunch of sweet things via mail...

  2. the beak on that vulture is enormous! I was waiting for it to come after you!

  3. Lol at the pen twirling, I used to watch those and try to emulate them freshman year. I can barely do the basics now, I don't know how they do it, years of practice no doubt.
