Sunday, July 11, 2010


Sorry for not posting in a long time guys, final presentations, research, all that jazz (including the world cup) has been eating my time away. I've got a bunch of great things to write about, hopefully over the next week I can get some time in to share them with you guys now that the world cup is over. Boo I wanted Germany to win of course, but hopefully the Netherlands can pull through.

I do have one really quick story, called the smilin' guy. Sometimes when I go to the gym, there is this guy, on one of the stationary bikes, peddling away. Now normally this wouldn't be the heart of any story, but it's how he goes about his biking routine that just cracks me up. He must be his own fan or something, because the entire time he is biking, he is smiling. And I don't mean like you know a subtle smile, I mean he is really cheesin.

Maybe that is actually how his face looks when he is grimacing or something, but it cracks me up so much. I have to hand it to him though, a lot of the times I go he is there before me, and still there when I leave, so hes obviously in great shape, but just the fact that he is honestly smiling sooooo much while biking is just too funny.

But I think there is a lesson we can learn from this, maybe smiling while we do something will make us better at what we do. So next time you feel yourself not being productive, try smiling! :)

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