Friday, May 14, 2010

Spring is in the air..

Hanami is the word that literally means looking at flowers, hana = flower and mi = to look, but to the Japanese people it is so much more. They have a tradition in the spring that when the cherry blossoms begin to bloom, everyone packs a basket of food, and they go and have a picnic under the cherry trees. This is a really cool tradition and stuff, but for me it was really surprising to find out that when they do this, they also drink like mad. So over the last couple of days, we have actually have blooming cherry blossoms, that noon or two in the middle of the day, you will just see a group of like business men and their wives, completely hammered, trying to stumble their way back to their homes or to the train station. Pretty funny.

Note: Next little bit has a bad word...
So I'm taking this class about 'women who have changed our world' and it's a pretty interesting class, and there are several Japanese kids in my class. Now these HUSTEP classes are in English, but Japanese students can take them as well if they have a high enough language ability. I would like to share one of the conversations I had with another one of the Japanese kids in the class. We had just read a reading selection on Jane Goodall, and we were supposed to discuss what we thought of her. So when we got done, I asked this guy next to me, 'what do you think of Jane Goodall?'

He sits there and things for a minute, then he says "she is fucking women!" I kind of sat there laughing and almost crying for about 2 minutes because just the way he said it was hilarious. I had no idea what he was actually trying to say, and he just sat there with this confused look on his face, wondering what he had just said. Man I was dying...After I finally had control of myself I asked him what he really meant and he said sugoi in Japanese which basically means great, so I think he was trying to say that she was great or something, and be cool at the same time so he decided to throw the f bomb in there just for kicks...but man was it funny.

Back to Japanese language. The kanji system is basically drawings that represent ideas, things, or places and such. So like 鳥 means bird, and 牛 means cow. One day we were in Kanji class and the sensei is trying to pronounce this Chinese guy's name, so she asks him what character he uses to write his name. Well the guy is a bit heavier than your average Chinese male, and he replied with "buta" 豚 which means pig. The sensei was doing everything she could to not laugh, and so were half the students. I felt really bad for the guy, but apparently not very many people choose to name their kids after pigs and such, but man it was pretty funny. The sensei's face was getting super red and she kept having to just look down and facepalm.

Also the Kanji for women is 女 and it is read onna, so I don't know much about the history of Kanji and all but I am pretty sure it was invented by guys because the Kanji for loud and annoying, is written by putting 3 女 figures together...thus the idea is that 3 women are loud and annoying lol.


  1. Yeah...typed this super fast, grammar and spelling errors everywhere...yeah

  2. re-used title win!

    i bet the kanji for "boring and lame" is written by putting 3 kanji characters for "men" together.

  3. so you get to see the cherry blossoms again!
