Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Pillow is Made Out of Rocks!

So after a 27 hour commute and an hour long train ride, I am finally in Sapporo Japan.

Guess where the first place I went was? Thats right, MCDONALDS!! I am such a fat American. But its true, I hadn't eaten in 7 hours and was going to pass out without some form of sustenance, and McD's was the closest place where I knew I could get a nice quarter pounder, coke, and fries. Win.

Grabbed a taxi to get to my dorm and finally got into my room, or should I say nearly tripped out the window when I opened the door. I can literally take 2 steps and get from one side of my room to the other. But i have my own bathroom and a wa(ta)nabe "kitchen" so I guess I am stuck here for the next 11 months. Oh yeah, and my pillow is made out of rocks. Thats right, tiny plastic cylinders in a bag is what they gave me for a pillow...Needless to say I went out and bought a REAL pillow asap.

So far the weather and everything has been pretty beautiful and normal, except for the sun. It 4:30 in the morning, and it is currently 5:15 in the evening, and the sun is almost completely down.

Another thing thats wierd are the birds. There are these birds called "karas" thats are basically crow's on steroids. They are enormous, like the size of chickens, but they only hop, so its really funny to see these huge birds hopping along the ground after they land.

They are however trash eaters/carrion birds and they remind of the part in Zelda the Ocarina of time, when you are Adult link in Hyrule city, and everyone is dead except for these zombies that try to kill you. But there are birds crowing in the background of that part and they sound exactly the same as these birds so it creates sort of an ominous atmosphere as you are walking around, even with the sun out etc.


  1. Leave it to you to write about the birds. The kid that chased/ran from a 3 foot rooster around a tractor out in the middle of some prarie, however you spell that word. Kind of funny and ironic. I was helping a guy shoot a project today. Location: little tokyo. Can't go wrong with mcdonalds. I don't care what people say. best fries around. Paint a giant red "OSU" on the front of your door.

  2. the zombie things are called redeads
